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Is This His Christmas?

Is This His Christmas?

The days seem to slow down in winter as we think on glad tidings so warm of He who selflessly died for us but one time was a child newly born

Yet ought we not think on him daily in seasons neither bitter nor cold beyond the days of this special month when sweet tales of his birth are retold?

Would he care for this time, I wonder when he’d have us his children year round; would he delight in all of the wanting would he see in it something profound?

Then I think of those who surround me, of the family and friends I hold dear, of how Christ has brought us together for reunions of joyous, good cheer

And I realize when wouldn’t he have us any moment of which we will give, rejoicing as we celebrate Christmas, since he gave his life that we could live

For life is not more than we make it, so embrace when it points us toward Christ make the most of days shared with loved ones reap these gifts from our Lord without price.

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