Confidence in Prayer and Trial
This morning I am feeling inspired after reading an article by a friend of mine’s wife, entitled “Wherefore didst thou doubt?” In it, she...
The Light in all Sorrow
The Light in all Sorrow In labyrinths unlit, locked doors, stolen keys windowless, skyless, Hope lies ‘neath our knees for when life’s...
Have I Done Enough?
Being a missionary was the most taxing experience of my life. Getting up every day at 6:30 a.m. and working until 9:00 p.m. for two years...
Bury the Shadows
Bury the Shadows In glow of new days, we oft glance behind at heirlooms of pasts left frozen in time as they stand defiant, hiding...
Encouraging Kindness
I’ve written before about kindness, and I will likely do so a lot. I’ll write poems, essays, and even books on it if I have to because...